Monday, May 25, 2009

i'm getting the led out.

i JUST realized i made a horrible mistake on my favorite songs list... 

Monday, May 18, 2009

absences! ridiculous...

i'm gonna say: i've been absent from school a lot. a lot. it's in the teens of how many days i've missed. but being that, i don't just skip school for the fun of it. i had the flu for a week and recently i've come down with a bad cold, fever and all. so it's not my falut i get sick. i can't help it. so when i come back to school and get punished for missing days, it's absolutely ridiculous. it's not like i do bad in school either. i've maintained a GPA of about 3.8 and i just accepted into NHS. i have been in many leadership roles for theatre, am co-captain of the flag corps, and take art classes outside of school. i'm not ashamed to say i've been accomplished and continue to be so. so when i get unexcused absences or get threat ed by the administration, i think it's fair to say i get pretty angry. and it's not only me, it's my friends too. one of my best friends has been diagnosed with CF since 4th grade. needless to say, she's constantly out of school. however, because her family knows what is wrong with her, there is no need for a doctor as there is nothing they can do. all they can do is wait it out. she has a tremendous GPA and also has been working in theatre, plus all the many things she does. however, the administration ignores this and attempts to punish her more severly than me. i'm not saying they should completely aboslish the system in which the school handles absences but it needs to be scrutinized and dramatically changed. it's just not right.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

green day. it's not just for posers and emo kids.

yeah. that's billie joe armstrong from green day.

i have to admit... when i first got into green day, it was because of american idiot. not meaning to bash american idiot, it's a brilliant album and laden with truth and courage.. i'm just not a fan of those people who hear some song on the radio and call themselves instant die-hard fans just when they've got a few hits. i absolutely love their old stuff, i mean... dookie and warning and international superhits were amazing. but that doesn't mean i can't like them now. they're growing, just like any artist has to . they know what's up. they get their inspiration from REAL bands like the clash, bob dylan, the ramones, the stones and the beatles! they're not some emo junkie poser band like fall out boy. ew. no. and i have to say, i'm super pumped for their new album which comes out tomorrow. oh! and plus they're environmentalists! they've joined up with NRDC, the most influential environmentalist group in the states. plus billie joe's a vegetarian... so... it's meant to be :D

they basically did what all the magazines said...



Friday, May 8, 2009



the new harry potter trailer just came out and now i'm super excited. the harry potter series is basically the best thing ever. it's actually good. not like twilight, which makes me want to die. i hate edward cullen. a lot. but... harry potter is freaking insane. i'm super sad it's almost over and i can't believe all the books are done. i'm pretty sure jk rowling needs to publish like... an encyclopedia of harry potter or something. that'd be awesome. so me and my friends will probably see the movie at the midnight premier, like last year. it's the coolest thing ever. people dress up and it's crazy. so... yeah. i love harry potter. and i'm still angry sirius black died becaue he's my favorite character. boo.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

favorite songs. ever.

my favorite songs in life.
  1. Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan (changes with Visions of Johanna)
  2. Imagine - John Lennon
  3. Revolution - the Beatles (this one is hard because my third favorite song is always a beatles song, but it changes all the time)
  4. Love is Just a Four-Letter Word - Joan Baez
  5. Peace Frog - the Doors
  6. Macy's Day Parade - Green Day (same deal as the Beatles... this changes)
  7. Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin
  8. Bold as Love - Jimi Hendrix
  9. Baba O'Reily - the Who
  10. Start Me Up - the Rolling Stones

i know i'm forgetting stuff...


seussical the musical. a.k.a northview's fall musical. it starts, for me, may 26th, exactly a month after the diary of anne frank ended. i'm interviewing for the tech position of stage manager. which i'm not too worried about getting. because, let's face it, no one else is qualified. but... what i REALLY want to do is... design makeup for the show. so what i'm doing is interviewing for both. i superly want to do it, like crazy. it'd be the coolest thing of my life. i've had experience and all, but i'm really anxious about it. i think it's what i want to do when i graduate, which by the way needs to happen NOW. so.. yeah. i think i'll be ok. ... hopefully.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

heathcliff is so hardcore

WUTHERING HEIGHTS. it's the best book ever. the end.